My name is Donna and I have been a professional dog walker and pet care provider since 2011.

I take great pride in the services I offer by consistently providing attentive and reliable pet care at an affordable price!
I used to promote my services on Craigslist under the business name “PetLove”. But due to high demand, I only took clients via word of mouth in 2015. Circumstances have changed however due to COVID-19 and now, I am looking for new clients.

I fully empathize with your needs and concerns when entrusting your pet with another person.
I am a pet parent myself, with one dog, two cats, and a betta and an ever expanding family of guppies, African dwarf frog, bees and plants.
Most of my clients who stayed in the area have been with me since 2012 and have returned to my services for their second pet!

Rather it is a rescued Pitbull to a timid Maltese, I am confident that I can provide an accurate assessment of your pet’s need. As for felines, I have experience in administering medicine and shots. All cat visits are one hour long of playtime and attention and of course, cleaning the litter box.

A benefit of an independent dog walker like me is FLEXIBILITY. I can, within reason, schedule your dog’s walk on the day of and if by chance you don’t need me - no problem, no cancellation fee (within reason). With a small business like mine, I just don’t have the excess baggage that comes with having a big staff.

My business is very local and small, at such, I only provide the essentials and only charge you for the essentials. You will find my rates to be significantly lower than most businesses in the area. That is because my overheads are low. I charge you only for my time and expertise, which are the essences of excellent pet care.